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Old 09-13-2012, 02:49 AM
MKLKT MKLKT is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Coquitlam, BC
Posts: 261
MKLKT is on a distinguished road

Since you have the time still, I'd recommend reading up on setting up new tanks and how each piece of equipment functions. From that base you can decide how you want to run your tank because every system is very different, lots of different opinions as well as differences in livestock which will have different requirements. You sound like someone who will be responsible and patient with it which is a huge plus. It's very addictive, I'm warning you.

For example, I personally really like using a filter sock on the overflow. I also highly recommend having a drilled tank for reliability and esthetic sense, especially since you don't even have it yet. Shorter sump is good, but remember to get one that can handle its own water + any backflow that will come down from the tank when the return pump is off.

I also recommend really researching which pieces of equipment you buy, otherwise if you buy the "cheap" starter stuff you'll want to replace it within a year and all you've done is wasted cash, and it's tough to re-sell the junkier pieces. Try to connect with other people locally who have tanks and they can demo how theirs runs and you might make a friend who can help you out in a pinch.

Last edited by MKLKT; 09-13-2012 at 02:53 AM.
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