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Old 09-11-2012, 12:16 AM
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oyf709 oyf709 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 61
oyf709 is on a distinguished road

I think the 72w wold be enough for your tank since most of the coral are softies. Whats your current color temp for the MH bulb? You might found the LED not as bright as the MH if your bulb is 14000K or less. The main reason is that the 50% in blue LED could push the LED fixture more closer to a 20000K MH bulb and to human eyes, I believe that warmer color temp means brighter overall when compare the same watts bulb.Some one correct me if I am wrong please. Would you like to drop by my house to take a look? I still have 1 last 72w SPS fixture left until my new shipment coming in about a week
~* <3 NEMO <3 *~
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