Originally Posted by ocean diver
Very nice zoas everyone, please tell me the secret to keep zoas, as when I try they do good for a month then they all waste away to nothing.......WTF!!!!
There could be so many reasons why they are melting and its hard to pinpoint what it is exactly. I have things melt as well, while all my others thrive. Some corals just dont do well in one persons tank but then do great in others. There could be pests that are bugging the zoas as well, always give them a good dip before putting them in the tank. Dose vitamin c as I find it helps with the overall health of znp's. I put 1000ml tablet in the morning and another one at night, straight into the sump and have it disolve by itself. Dont put powder straight into the sump though as it may make your skimmer go bonkers, always dilute it in water first. I also feed lots and have several different powdered food I mix in with the frozen. Light and flow also play parts in the happiness of zoas, some like flow and light, while others like no flow and shade. Honestly, I think you just have to play around with the setup until everything is happy and just learn from any mistakes, Ive made tons but as long as you learn from them, you can always bounce back and do it right the next time.