Originally Posted by Nano
Wake up this morning to a weird noise coming from the durso, start to investigate... Why is my water level 1" bellow the trim in the sump i hope I didnt get a faulty ato... Pull out the durso to see if somethings blockin it that could have caused it... 3 snails... seriously? 1 wasn't enough? Well I put the snail back in the tank, and problem solved. I also found 2 in the sump. Wtf. They all decide to take a holiday? Ugh.
Ahh that sucks. Last week I had the same issue. Turbo snail went in the drain. 6 am I here return pump sucking air. Good thing my tank will hold the volume from last sump compartment
Originally Posted by reefwars
as if all this wasnt enough i was gluing a heavy frag in my cube, the glue must have dropped off and anded on the black plastic bracing with out me seeing it. i put the frag in the tank and i rested my arm on the brace smearing the glue with my arm and waited about 5min for the heavy object to be secure....then noticed my whole forearm glued to the brace....i now have a 6" open cut going down my arm from It
Wow good glue to hold a frag that big