Thank you for all attending, it's you that make the event great, and better every year.
I would like to send out a big thank you to my staff and all the volunteers that rolled up their sleeves for us. There are too many to thank, you all know I appreciate your help.
To the vendors, thank you for attending. I am happy to see more and more of you every year. Thank you for the door prizes. A big thank you to the following for your donations.
Here is a list of the sponsors/vendors, please support them as much as you can. Not in any particular order, and I apologies if I missed anyone.
M&M Meats Millwoods for the burgers
Esquire - Mike Enns
Reef Wholesale
Red Coral Edmonton
Marine Aquaria
Aquarium Illusions
Hong Kong Bakery
Modular LED
Let's Play
We had a total of 25 door prizes. I will be posting the winners tomorrow, as I am too tuckered right now. The prizes were randomly numbered 1-25, and the tickets were picked by different individuals not knowing what the prizes were to make it as fair as possible.
Here is to FFV-2013