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Old 09-09-2012, 09:24 PM
redearslider redearslider is offline
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Arrow Stocking a 41 Gallon reef tank

I am still in the early stages of setting up my reef tank, so far just have sand, live rock, 15 hermits, 2 turbo 2 cerith snails, and a brittle starfish.

I am looking for suggestions on stocking. Here are some of the fish I would like to put in, I have put a star before the fish I am really hoping for. please let me know what you think!
*Pair of clowns, (gold striped maroon/ Tomato / Sabae/ cinnamon)
(Which would be the best?)

*2-3 bangaii cardinal
A few Anthias?
Centerpiece fish: Copperband or *Racoon butterfly OR *Lemon peel angel OR Foxface/ *yellow tang/ yellow eyed Kole

These are just some ideas that I am throwing around. And I know that the tangs cannot be kept in my tank for their lifetime, however I plan to get a small tang or two then when they are starting to outgrow this tank, I will most likely be ready to upgrade.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

Last edited by redearslider; 09-09-2012 at 09:25 PM. Reason: looks bad
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