Originally Posted by Basterb
I'm trying to determine if my new Flame Angle has ick or if it's just micro bubbles/sand
I got him last night and he looked great. But his morning I noticed he is covered in white specs. All the other fish are doing great.
There are a lot of specs, so I’m leaning towards bubbles, maybe since the angle is hanging out at the bottom of the sand hiding and not moving around much. I'll have to fix the bubble problem, which really isn't that bad.
I'm not sure how fast ICK can start and spread. IF you tell me it starts with 2 or 3 spots then keeps growing then I’ll be feeling better. I’ll see if I can get a pic.
I've had it where a fish is fine the night before to covered In ich the next morning, also I have never had it spread to other fish, a fish gets ich if it's stressed.
But you really want to make sure it's not just bubbles. Catching and treating a fish can be stressful sometimes and make things worse. I would just make sure it's eating, and try adding lots of garlic and vitamins to some Mysis, at least until you know if it's ich or not.