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Old 09-08-2012, 02:33 AM
Basterb Basterb is offline
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Default Does anyone have a Tunze Skimmer with sump kit

I have a Tunze 9006 skimmer but I need to use the 9005.400 kit to make it work in the sump. I've made the parts to make it work but I’m not sure how high the output pipe needs to be. I've got mine equal to the water line but I’m not getting much output from there.

Does anyone have one and can tell me the height of the output from the bottom of the pipe. I know there is a foam sponge that might sit higher but I only need to the top of the pipe where the water starts to overflow.
And also if there is supposed to be rubber grommet where the power cord enters the unit, or just a large hole where water can leave the skimmer.

It's really hard to justify the high price of a tube and some other plastic.

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