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Old 09-06-2012, 04:59 AM
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
I will test my tank once in awhile to see that there is some semblance of balance going on
Just can't help yourself, can you? I'm serious, leave it alone. I bought my Ca kit on Boxing day. I did a test the next day and the second one the other night just cause you got me curious. It's fine. RBS (or Reef Crystals) has enough in it that regular 30% water changes will top everything off. you don't have the bioload yet to worry about consumption. So test the new bucket or box, fine, you bought a kit, you want to use it, I get that. But if the salt is fine out of the box (assuming you tested it right), then it's fine. Leave it. Don't test, don't add any stoopid additives. Leave it alone.
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