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Old 09-06-2012, 01:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
I'm curious as to why you feel the Reef Status calcium test is unreliable. It gave you the exact same results twice. Did you do additional tests that did not return similar values? Or, did you foul a number of the test?
I found the Seachem Reef Ca kit to be unreliable as the testing proceedure uses such a diluted sample that I couldn't make out the colors well enough, and the lines on the reagent syringe are so dammed small that I had trouble reading how much solution I had used. Why can't they make a kit with dripper-style dispensing bottles ???
It did give me the same results 2 times and yes I fouled numerous tests as it was my first time using this style kit
I had Jeff @ J&L try using the Seachem Alk kit and he showed me how to make it work better, although I still find it less user friendly than a dripper bottle is

I am making up some more NSW from the same bucket and will re-test with the Elos and Seachem kits

Now, here's something interesting;

I took in a sample of my NSW and my DT water to J&L
While Andy got the same KH results as I did, the Ca tests were nowhere near the same
We each used both their kit and mine, and we tested both of my water samples
I tested 470 Ca and Andy tested 380-420
It looks like it's coming down to user technique

I've contacted Elos as there is a pictogram in the packaging that shows the reagent bottles being dripped from an angle of approx 45 degrees

I was testing my Ca with the bottles held at an angle for 2 reasons;
One is sometimes the bottle may keep dripping if held vertically and;
Two was because of the images on the card

This may explain why my results are so high as I'm not dispensing the same amount per drop as Andy is when the bottles are held completely vertical

I've PMd LeanneP to ask her what test kits she is using and her testing methods, as well as to ask her if she'd be willling to re-test if she is using Elos kits

I felt very vindicated last night after all my tests
Now I'm feeling kinda sheepish

Last edited by gregzz4; 09-06-2012 at 01:43 AM.
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