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Old 09-04-2012, 05:46 AM
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FragIt Dan FragIt Dan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Nanaimo, BC
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I think you should be consuming 2.8 degrees dKh for every 20ppm of Ca. I don't know what is going on with your Ca, but something doesn't add up. I am going through about 20grams anhydrous CaCl or about 20-30 ppm Ca in a heavily coral loaded 90G tank (twv of ~100G) per day. 50ppm in 10 hrs and with levels that low... IMO neither your corals nor precipitating Ca would account for that. Perhaps you could calculate how much you expect your Ca to raise based on how much Ca you are adding and your tank volume. You can calculate how much it should go down based on your dKh consumption. Test results that vary from this might need to be double checked?
Link to my Tank Upgrade Thread
Dan Leus, Marine Biologist
20+ Years Marine Aquarium Experience
Save the Reef, Buy a Frag!
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