Originally Posted by Enigma
I'm pretty sure that IO must have terrible quality control on their salt. Coralgirl and I have both had alkalinity issues with the Reef Crystals: virtually impossible to maintain Alk above 6 without dosing. This was even the case in my NC12, where I was changing 50% of the water per week (and had no Alk suckers in it).
im going to do a water tets today not because i need to but because im going to show you guys that less is more.
all ive done in forever is a water change , i only did that because i transfered tanks , i bet my parameters are bang on.
because i dont mess with it, i dont add to change it.
i have over 300 pieces of coral , safe to say if anyones using up stuff it would be me , i honestly dont understand what the big deal is?
ill tell you this though ,trying to compare one persons tanks alkalinity to anothers tank alkalinity is pointless....different salts, water sources, different temps , plus the ability to buffer differently........it will never happen.
what you do to keep your alk up is probably different then what someone else will have to do.
unless your running a sps dominant tank and going for growth of the year award....id forget it...crack a beer and go away for month
that last part is important and the steps may need to be repeated untill the tank is how you like it lol