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Old 09-03-2012, 04:30 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
That sums it up nicely.

The only thing I think when I look at the system is that nutrients are a bit too high, and lighting is a touch to low. Those are the two things that look "off" based on how things are doing.

what do you classify as high nutrients, i think many coral growers will tell you some nutrients are good.

its the sudden changes that messes with your tank, i could bomb all the food i want into my tank if i train my tank to do so over time,if i do it over night its going to have a negative affect.

you have to know when a problem arises whether or not its right to act immediately or play it with patience....this is something you just learn after a while....i think your scenario now is the patience one.

i would do as mentioned and start with a heavy water change to balance things out a bit.

test your water over the next month without adding or doing anything, its hard to add anyting if you dont know what your using right??

after that month determne whats low , whats been changing , and what is needed.

keep a visual eye on everything and do your reg water changes.

if you really want to get this right your gonna have to write it down and write there affects down.

since your not in any kind of red zone you can afford to experiment slowly with a few things.

keep attacking phosphates and nitrates in a mixed reef are tolerable
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