Originally Posted by Enigma
Hmm. What ca test are you using? I thought my salt was mixing up crazy high with the API test. It wasn't.
I use Elos for Alk, Ca and Mg
My kits were close to used up, so I bought new ones and got the same readings
Although the new kits have the same expiry dates as the old ones, the new bucket is better - go figure
My IO salt was giving me such wild mixes that
I started a post
It has since calmed down with a new bucket ...
Right now I get NSW;
Alk 11
Ca 460
Mg 1400
The last bucket, even though it was rolled for miles, gave me;
Alk 11
Ca 5-520
Mg 11-1250
I even did 2 to 3 tests and got the same wild readings ...

what was happening
I agree with Brad, which is where I was going ...
Test your NSW and do some WCs accordingly, but I'd do the WCs after you know what your new salt is testing to and bump anything that's low, then wait a day before using