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Old 09-01-2012, 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
Last time I saw your tank, it had more hair algae than the tanks at aquarium central. Forgive me for not wanting your "experience"
Actually out of 4 tanks I only have one with some hair algae in it. The HA is in my fowlr tank. Years ago I bought live rock from a guy who was selling it for $1 per pound. He admitted that he was selling so cheap because it was covered in HA and he had done everything to get rid of it but nothing worked for him. Basically he was sick of fighting with it and was going to start over with new rock which is why I got a great deal for it. I figured I could deal with having HA in a fowlr system in order to get cheap rock so I bought it. Unfortunately I've been battling with it myself ever since. I've had rabbitfish get rid of it but then as they got larger my king angel got too mean to them for them to stay in that tank and the HA came back. Now I have a small kole tang that has been working at clearing up the HA, best part is my king angel has no interest in him and he won't get to a size big enough for the king to start to pick on him.

BTW I didn't offer my experience I just tried to explain why Levi said what he said 'cause it seemed like you didn't understand what he was getting at.

Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
personally i love lauries tanks ,i have for years thought as them as one of the nicer tanks in edmonton, and when i was there 2 weeks ago her tanks were freakin spotless...made me wanna go home and clean my own lol

laurie i remember when you had all those mushroom rocks man that was crazy:P
Thanks Denny, I still have the mushroom rocks unfortunately when I re-aquascaped my fowlr tank most of the mushroom rocks ended up on the bottom or towards the back of the tank where you can't see them.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie