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Old 09-01-2012, 05:56 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
I have a sunset milli thats growing like crazy.

but all i've been seeing is the fuzzy polyps.

today when i went to feed all my corals i blasted it with a turkey baster and the polyps retracted to show a nice pink/green skeleton.

is this just the way it is or should the polyps be less extended?

this is your origional post is it not??

Originally Posted by MarkoD View Post
Yes. Brown/gray polyps cover pink/green skeleton seems like a problem to me. I honestly thought it was a sign that I should be feeding this coral or that it requires more light

you said to begin with its growing like crazy, the problem to you seemed to be too many fuzzy polyps...i dint see you post about its food requirements, that would have def gotten you a better response. it seemed to me and probably others that you were trying to boast or something.

i find it hard to believe that you did a search and could find nothing on polyp extension, and then yet you turn to the "experts" who in the past youve offended or simply said there advbice wasnt good enough.

sorry but im offering no sympathy, a new member can come on here and get all the answers he wants, we are all usually very nice , but when you burn your bridges(you remember me telling you this before) what do you expect??

thats how i seen it