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Old 09-01-2012, 05:50 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Nano View Post
I haven't had good luck with hornets though they are my favorites, I have had red blue and purple. Now I just have empty frag plugs from them melting lol.

its not a beginner species its that simple,most people think all zoas are the same when they are def not, they need the right requirements and food from their region. on the other side they need stability, the slightest change or glance and they melt a new tank has trouble offering this

if it were an easy species that any zoa collector could keep they wouldnt be so rare, but its not they need the research and someone willing to give them the right conditions.

for anyone wanting to get into highend and rare zoas believe me you lose more money then you gain, alot of the deepwater species need to be treated different, same as shallow species or other types like micro zoos.

i like to think of myself as an avid collector i feed all my zoas and palys daily a blend of different foods, i vitamin c does, change my phosphate media constantly.i have over 100 types alot of them decent sized colonies and i still lose some for unknown reasons.

my darth mauls recently mented, i grew the colonie to 200+polyps sold everyone cheap frags and then my small mini colonie melted.

its important tol get these species propogated and spread around.

after losing my darth mauls i was given another back, its the best way to make sure these are available
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