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Old 09-01-2012, 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
To set the record straight, Shannon is still there, as her two weeks is not up yet. She has been given an offer that she couldn't refuse to work with horses, and since her daughter is competing it will allow here to be there more for her.

As for the odd dead livestock, depending on the time of day, and the location of the issue. All stores have this issue, so this isn't because Shannon is gone. just overlooked.

As for the rude staff member, I WILL deal with this immediately as this is NOT acceptable. As for that comment, that will be brought up also.

BTW Nick, you mentioned it to me once, and I made no excuses, I told you I would talk to her about it.

My personal apologies to anyone,

I know I go there when I'm up there in the winter for my Army Hockey Nationals and I always stop in and tak with Shannon and buy 4 pails of salt its like a tradition with me and her. Yes she will be missed. the younger fella who works there he's pretty cool for a young guy quite the ham excellent person to do with ..
I know i alway miss you Ken you are either out of town or not there. some day we will meet up.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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