Went into the office today to do some work on the tank.
Main things I wanted to get done:
- Silicone in my overflows
- Drill the holes for the overflows and returns
- Plumb the tank
- Position the sump and stand where I want them.
I got 2 out of the 4 done, mainly because I got my overflows made to the wrong height and had to leave the the office to get them corrected. I got them made to 28" (30" tank Trim to Trim), unfortunately that left me with 0.5" to the lip of the tank from the top of the overflow, a risk I didn't want to tank. Thankfully Roger and concepts was able to correct this for me today. Still time consuming but I'm in a training class next week, so not sure how much time I will have to work on the tank and really just wanted the overflows done.
I did in the end get the overflows installed and the tank drilled. The sump is in position.
Plumbing the tank I put on hold as I'm debating about adding a blue or black backing to the tank, and the plumbing would just get in the way. I could just let it encrust with coraline I suppose.. Gonna sleep on it this weekend.
Not a great pic as it was with my iphone, but this was basically how it sat when I left the office tonight (minus the frogger tape and dirty glass).
Oh and one more thing.... I ended up grabbing this little beauty today while at Concepts getting my overflows fixed.
I honestly have NO idea when I will be able to do this tank build as my rental agreement doesn't allow for an aquarium... but it was too nice to leave sitting around the shop. Now it can sit around my bedroom and tease me with idea's of what I'm gonna do with it.
Apologies for the last picture being so bad.. I got bad lighting in my room and the iphone takes ****ty pics.