honestly ive never used anything like it and i go through alot of glue, how good is it??
well to show a friend earlier how well it works i glued a 3lb rock to my glass, used the glue under water, no glue was applied out of water, in 2 minutes the rock is solid and still sitting there right now:P
with this glue im able to glue full size colonies upside down and on glass in a matter of a minute or two and the best part is it works just as well under water as it do out of water:P
if you want a coral glue this is the best bang for ypour buck ts $60 for a large 300ml bottle....compared to the tailor aquatics its a much better bargain and realisically if i bought 12 tubes of cheap $5 glue(which sucks under water btw) i can only get so many frags( ayeb a dozen if im lucky)
with this new ecotech glue im over 80 frags into it and still 3/4 of a bottle left:P
trust me there is no other product on the market like this right now that does even remotely as good as a job
thanks steve you were right this is by far a supperior glue