Originally Posted by fishytime
he gets the green light and its zero to sixty in three seconds flat huh?.....looking good mang!.....you'll be happy with the vertex RO....we have one at RCE and its da bomb....(is it just me, or is kinda dorky to be talkin about a RO/DI unit like that?  )
I've had almost 3 months to plan this tank since the first day I walked into the office and saw it sitting there empty.

Doesn't take long to drive over to concept aquatics from where I work, bit longer than 3secs though.
Im definitely impressed with the RO over my last unit I had, and I haven't even ran water through it yet! I'm hoping our flimsy walls can support its weight.
Originally Posted by lockrookie
whatever get you wet is a good thing its alll good lol
Im almost there!