Install your filter on your DT right now without the carbon/biomax
Run the filter on your sump to seed the floss/foam blocks
The foam can always be rinsed when you perform WCs
Your QT / OT ( observation tank ) does not need carbon, GFO, pellets, everything else you may run in your DT
Neither does it need a UV filter or a Skimmer
It only needs lots of water changes
Be prepared to change the water frequently, sometimes as much as twice a day if you have a lot of fish in it
The key is to keep an eye on your Ammonia. If you have high NO3, change 50-75% of your water right away
Keep an eye on your ammo ... this will keep your fish alive ....
Once your QT/OT is stable, it probably will only need a weekly WC of maybe 50%, but, ....
Until it is stable / happy, you may need to perform many smaller WCs throughout the week to keep your kritters safe and happy
Once your ammo is gone, watch your nitrites and test for nitrates
This is not a primer for the nitrate cycle, so keep your eye on what you have to do ...