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Old 08-17-2012, 03:15 PM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
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Default Fs: green acan frags

Before I left for vacation I cut up a green acan colony and now the frags are healed. There is yellow stripes predominant but not so obvious from the pics....
Not shipping or trading ATM, pick up in Richmond. I will update pics this afternoon because my stupid IPhone cant get the img icon so I'll have to use my desktop.

Frags per head are $10 I can't get a positive I'd if it's a Aussie acan but it came from a collector of nicer stuff...

I have 3 single head frags available ATM but will have a multihead available in 2 weeks....
Always looking for the next best coral...

90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips
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