Hey everyone! I'm back.... with a tank!
So about 2 months ago, the owner of the company I work for moved back from Texas to Canada. And with him he brought his 180G fish tank that he had. Not wanting to start another tank he left it at the office, where it has been sitting, while I tried to persuade and convince my manager to setup a Salty tank.
I finally got approval this morning to go ahead with this build so it's time to start buying gear.
I've got my sump tank quoted already through dave@conceptaquatics which I am hoping to order tomorrow after work as long as he makes it back from Edmonton in time.
The tank I have to work with is a 180G tank with dimensions 60x24x29. This puppy will need to be drilled though as its not reef ready.
This is the only pic I have right now, but gives you an idea of what I have to work with.
So far what I have planned for this build is:
- 150lbs of Dry "Live" Rock (seeded with 20ish pounds live rock)
- 2x 250W MH (Thanks for GreenSpottedPuffer)
- 40"x19"x16" sump tank seperated into 3 sections
- Bubble Magus NAC7 Skimmer
- Mag drive 1800 Supreme Return Pump
- Korallia Powerheads
- 4 Stage RO/DI
- Herbie Style Overflow
More to come.... It's good to be back!