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Old 08-15-2012, 01:26 AM
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daniella3d is on a distinguished road

I have my mag at 1500 right now and all my duncans are doing great. Maybe it is something else? The only time I have seen a duncan died was in a tank with a lot of nitrates. I actually thought they were nearly undestructible before as they are very resistant.

One of mine is nearly 3 year old and has grown too many heads too many times.

They do need lights and they do need food. Mine really swell large when the MH is on.

Once I had one did the brown jelly and cought it in time. I took it out of the water and put peroxyde right on the affected area and it healed in 2 days.

Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
I have a duncan that is doing very poorly: every time I put it back in my display tank it closes up and loses heads. I think I've finally figured out why: magnesium. It seems to have a very tight window of tolerance for it. Fussy, fussy! It is happy at around 1350.

What is your alk at?
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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