Well, just an update.
I managed to reclaim my planet and while my original fleet is still MIA, I have managed to put together another 20 battleships, 15 cruisers and 30 destroyers and am sending them at a planet in my sector.
The guy is ranked WAYYY higher then me, but he has been idle for 4 days now - strange thing is, he is ranked so much higher but his sciences are only lvl 15 where mine are 20 and he only has 1 more planet then I do.... guess its all due to XP.
I have watched two of his other planets get taken out in the past 2 days, so I figure I would attack his last planet in this sector and see if I can earn some XP. I hope he doesnt login for the next 5 hours or so
He only has a low level starbase on this planet. I am thinking this would mean that he has a decent sized fleet on the planet. But, perhaps not as he is also in the other sector I can see and he has built up his starbases pretty high over there...
Anyways, wish me luck! Maybe I can finally earn some XP... or perhaps I'll have my ass handed to me again.