$400 - 140 gallon Aqua Giant tank (dual overflow) and louvered oak cabinet with 50 gallon sump in the cabinet. Pump included.
$150 - 48" Current USA Outer Orbit pendant light fixture; 2 x 250 W HQI 14000k DE metal halide with 4 x actinics and 18 lunar lights (blue and white). Runs with 2 ballasts.
$75 - Tunze DOC 9010 in sump Protein Skimmer
GONE!!!! $10 each - 2 - 250 watt Stealth heaters GONE!!!
GONE!!!! $25 - 5 gallon bucket of Reef Crystals salt GONE!!!!
GONE!!!! $25 - 5 gallon bucket of Instant Ocean salt GONE!!!
Lots of rock at $2 / lb
Not much for coral, but whatever is on the rock we can negotiate.
GONE!!!! Free to a loving home: Yellow Tang, Dotty Back, Fox Face, and two super nasty and large Damsels. GONE!!!!
Of course, it has to be done in order; rock, fish, then hardware.
Thanks y'all!