I have been very very busy for the last few months, but I finally have a moment to breath.
We are in negotiations in a new property, and may be moving in the fall. The space is almost 300 sq/ft, if I get it I'll be calling on people to help us renovate it. If it works out, we will be moving our CB facility onsite, to allow for educational purposes.
I didn't think it'll take too much time to set everything up, unlike out first year where I spent almost 4 months setting it up. I remember fencer (Wayne) said I'd be lucky to get a dozen people to attend. Couldn't believe we had over 150.
Can't even comprehend the fact this is our fourth year for the meet, and thanks as always go to all the volunteers and supporters, and the other vendors that participate. Was nice to see a few other stores attend last year also.
I chose the Sunday after Labor Day again as it allows the people to complete their holidays and back to school stuff.
Lets make this years FF4 better than the last.
It's not BWA that makes the FragFest its all of you that attend. SPREAD THE WORD!
PS: I have contacted 4 frag suppliers already, and will have a wide selection of LE frags, softies, mushroons, LPS & SPS
Last edited by BlueWorldAquatic; 08-07-2012 at 01:45 AM.