08-06-2012, 03:03 AM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 338
It has not been an easy past while for me and my reef, as I have hit a few bumps in the road.
Despite quarantining efforts, ich made it into my tank, and I cannot explain my level of embarrassment .
I quarantined every fish I bought with the exception of two. Two which were bought from outside a LFS and I assumed would be safe to but directly into the display tank. Lesson learned.
The outbreak first took over my Whitecheek Tang and spread to the other fish. I lost all of them except for three. That's a whitcheek tang, CBB, tailspot blenny, lyretail anthias, linespot flasher wrasse, clown, and starfish that passed.
The female clown, the scribbled rabbitfish and the blue sided wrasse survived although the rabbitfish and clown showed signs of ich during the outbreak, the wrasse never seemed to be infected. All seem well as of now but I am unsure of how I want to proceed. Catching these fish for treatment and a DT fallow period will be nearly impossible without tearing the rocks apart which to me is not an option. I am unsure of what to do..
Last edited by wmcinnes; 08-06-2012 at 03:15 AM.