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Old 04-12-2004, 05:22 AM
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Default Saturday, April 24: need some help, and lots of buckets

My tank move day approaches .... Saturday April 24.

My plan is to rent a van for the weekend.

I hope to keep as much of my water as possible, so, if you have any spare 5g or 8g buckets that I could borrow for a day or two, I would like to hear from you. (Write your name on them in permanent marker or something like that, so that I have an easy way to remember what to return and to whom, and all that good stuff.)

I am going to build some cradles for carrying the tanks so that they can be carried upright without the bulkheads on the bottom pane needing to be removed (they are in there permanently, to remove them means to replace them). I also hope to keep the sandbeds as intact as possible, but we'll see how that goes.

I figure 4 people should be able to carry the tanks. I include myself in that headcount ... so .. uh .. are there three people who would be able to help me on this day?

I will compensate with beer or other choice beverages, pizza, frags, etc. .. ? Negotiable.

A couple of folks have already kindly volunteered some equipment, like Jim's 55g drum, and Doug's diatom filter, and .... just wanna say again, thank you, and yes I would still very much like to be able to borrow those things please.

Basically if you have anything like a rubbermaid, or spare buckets that can house pieces of reef, some fish and other critters, corals, and saltwater ... and don't mind volunteering them out for a weekend, I beg of you to let me borrow them that weekend. PleaseAndThankYou!!

Thanks in advance, everyone!!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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