Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 08-05-2012, 05:59 AM
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Algae update

All's lookin good so far
All I did was try to raise my Mg, but then my Ca went kinda high, so since then all I have done is to try and keep everything in check
I have done a couple WCs to keep my Alk and Ca inline, and only once have dosed liquid Mg to keep it up around the 1350-1400 mark
I never got a chance to raise it up anywhere near 1600

With proper params and quite the work crew, I'm now wondering how everyone will get enough to eat
Most of the rock has been stripped clean by the urchins, turbos and top hats
You'll have to look at the top left and top right rock piles to find what's left

I'm still scrubbing the glass and overflow box, but I'd say it is definately under control

Future plans may involve re-homing possibly 1/2 of the main crew as I don't even have any coralline left to speak of

Last edited by gregzz4; 08-05-2012 at 06:02 AM.
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