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Old 08-04-2012, 11:56 PM
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mrhasan mrhasan is offline
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mrhasan is on a distinguished road

Can't agree more

Plus to me, smaller fishes are cuter than their larger counterparts. The other day I was a hardly 1/2" hippo tank and that's probably the cutest fish I have ever seen!

In my 20long, I haven't done any major water change in the last 1 month. Just did regular top offs.

I personally don't like cube aquariums because they actually give less place for the fishes to swim in straight.

Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
Nano tanks are wonderful. A good size is 20 - 30 gallons, with a 29g Biocube a great tank for beginner or expert. Nano's offer a visual perspective that is not often available with a large tank and that is closeness. You can get your eyes within eight inches(or less) of every nook, cranny and growing thing in your tank.

My tank looks like a bit of a dog's breakfast from afar but I designed it to my viewing pleasure which is on a stool with my nose pressed up against the glass. So much life!

Smaller tanks are no more difficult than larger tanks in my opinion. In fact it is easier because maintenance is a breeze. My weekly 10% water change is half a bucket of water. You ask some of the big reefers around here how long it takes to prepare ro/di, mix and hump five buckets in and out of a system and it would be hella of lot longer than my half bucket. My additives? 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in 20ml of water, simple.

Welcome to reefing and Nano!!
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