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Old 08-04-2012, 03:37 PM
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NightShadeFairy NightShadeFairy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Chilliwack
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NightShadeFairy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by toxic111 View Post
Well the poll don't seem to show up in tapatalk. Anyway my 33 crashed when I was away for a long weekend & the heater broke causing the gfi to trip. Water temp was 65F when I got home. Lost all the fish, all the SPS and nearly everything else. One brain coral made it (still have) some hermits & snails and a RBTA that I still have today
Yes, I'm using tap a talk as well...
So my worst crash ever was in my 55g, I had worked a long day at work, and I came home just beat! The sump I was using on the 55 was major overkill, as I had bought it a few years prior to go in the 120g I had at the time..
Anyway, I unplugged the return pump to feed my corals, and my heater is in my sump. I was just so dam exhausted that instead of plugging it back in half an hour later, I forgot I unplugged it at all and went to bed!! Tank is on lino covered concrete, it was winter.. My temp dropped dramatically and I lost every fish I had. No corals. I was absolutely devastated... The money you loose is totally secondary to knowing such a stupid slip took the lives of those beautiful creatures.. I felt like such a horrible murderer for a long time. It was hard lesson, and a mistake that I will NEVER make again! And yes, I did it, I said NEVER!! Lol
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