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Old 08-03-2012, 02:27 PM
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Default seachem suppliments

Who is using these? I've been dosing with BRS Ca, Mg and Alk but am looking at other options. I think I'm going to look at Epsom salts for Mg (I think that's the one that does Mg) but what about Alk and Ca? Does anyone use Seachem's Reef Advantage Calcium or the Reef Builder?
If you do have you ever used anything else? How does it compare?
Right now I'm dosing roughly 55ml/day of BRS Ca and Alk and 45ml Mg/day.
I've got roughly 130 gal water volume, 120lbs LR with a mixed reef of SPS, LPS, softies and 1 clam.

One of the last LFS's I was in was trying to convince me to going with Seachem and some of the math sounded ok but I wanted to get some opinions from people who have used this stuff or what you are using that works well and is economical. Any thoughts?
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