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Old 08-03-2012, 06:27 AM
Oilers Oilers is offline
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
Fix it? lol Without draining the tank I'm not sure how I'd fix it. I'm running a herbie style drain so I took a 1/4" off my safety stand pipe and now my water almost never gets that high for the capillary action to start. That and I lowered my power heads down a bit so they don't create such a wave on the front pane. Thankfully with my tank the front edge of the trim is almost 1/2" lower than the inside of the tank so I was able to drop the water level that little bit and still not see the water line from the front. I do still get the odd dribble I have to clean up but for the most part it's ok.
I hope that helps a bit. Thankfully it's not something as serious as a tank leak. Irritating a bit but no more.
I had a bad dream last night about waking up to a pool of water in my living room. I am really glad it is not something as serious as a tank leak. The thought of cleaning up that pool of water and transferring everything from the old tank to a new tank made me cringe!
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