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Old 07-30-2012, 12:41 AM
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mandyplo mandyplo is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
Posts: 218
mandyplo is on a distinguished road

Well, some good news!!

The anthias arrived alive and healthy. One is a deep orange/red with a purple dorsal fin, the other is a more yellow/orange with a light pink/yellow dorsal fin. Could the drastic color differences mean male/female? who knows!

Anyways they are beautiful and the good news is the deeper orange/red/purple one has partnered up with my one blue chromis and they are best buds, they sit in the current of one of my powerheads all day schooling together. I just fed everyone some P.E Mysis and this is the first day I have seen the Anthias eat! Once he tasted the first piece of mysis he went on a feeding frenzy, didn't stop catching pieces in the current until they were all gone! Only the one anthias schooling with the chromis ate though. So One down, one to go!

As I am typing this I am noticing the second anthias hanging out with the first anthias and the chromis. So the three are currently schooling together (First time I am seeing this since wednesday) All very good news. Maybe there are still some small pieces of Mysis in there for the second Anthias to eat... I have not seen the second one eat at all so I have my fingers crossed.

I'm too scared to lift the lid and add more mysis for the second one as I don't want to scare him from the group... This is the first time he has come out of hiding and is hanging with the group. I will add some more later perhaps.

Anyways just thought I would update and let everyone know how they are doing. So far so good!!
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