I got two peppermint shrimp and they didn't really help. I had one rock that had about two dozen little ones on it, the shrimp wouldn't go near that rock at all, so I removed the rock, put in in a clear glass bowl with enough water to cover it and a bubble stone, and used some aiptasia destroyer and zapped them with that. (I set up a bright light over it so I'd be able to see them really good - after about a half hour I rotated the rock, let it sit so the aiptasia were "calm" then zapped them) I left the rock in the bowl for a day and a half after I treated it, checking it often for any that I may have missed. Then I rinsed it in fresh SW then placed it back in my tank - all the dead aiptasia fell off in the fresh SW. It's been two weeks and so far - no more have been seen in my tank!