Originally Posted by Semaka
I am looking for a male and a female mandarin. Must eat frozen food. I am not necessarily looking for a mated pair, but would like to add both at the same time.
I should mention I live near Montreal. If you know any shops that have some let me know.
I have a 90g reef tank. It is almost 6 months old. I have about 100lbs of live rock a 30g sump with a refugium (LR in it + DSB). There is a yellow tang (juvenile), hippo tang (juvenile), flame angel and 2 clowns + scarlet and coral banded shrimp.
It is mostly sps with the exception of a big goniopora, leather coral and a kenya tree.
Thank you.
By far my favorite fish in the tank are my pair of mandarins, I got the female from a fellow reefer and it was already trained on frozen. I bought a male 6 months later from a local lfs and it started to eat frozen after a few months. Just in case, I bought I few bottles of copepods from the states to seed my tank and refugium to make sure there was enough food for the male until it learned to eat frozen.
Good luck on your search!