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Old 07-26-2012, 07:57 AM
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lpsreefer lpsreefer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Calgary (NE Country hills)
Posts: 513
lpsreefer is on a distinguished road
Default The newest 90 to my reef

So I got this tank in October and never ot around to doing anything with it.
Second day I had I tested to see if it holds water

Sat there with water for a month. Then I added some macro rock.

And then the sand

Then I added

And put four damsels in the sump as the bacteria need ammonia to reproduce.

As of today this is what it looks like.

I also had to put my carpenter wrasse into the tank as he was getting bullied. Took him a good two weeks to come out from hiding and swim around.
I use a mix of t5s, t8s, and LEDs. As it more like a spare parts tank so far.
I should have all leds by next week.
I have 2 hydor 1400 gph, maxijet 1200, and seio2600 for flow. Plus my return mag drive 24.
If I had a camera I would take better pics.
I also had to start putting frag into the tank as my other tanks are full for now.
Any tips or advice would be great.
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