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Old 07-25-2012, 03:03 AM
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Been using reef crystal for 2 years without any problem, quite the opposite. I suspect that you chocked your system with a too large water change and a spike in alkalinity. Reef Crystal is quite high in alkalinity and if your water was low in alkalinity, there could be quite a sudden change if a large water change was done.

If you have only a few corals, and no clam or SPS, there is no need to use Reef Crystal. I use it because I have 3 clams and lots of SPS and despite the fact that Reef Crystal is high in calcium and alk, I still need to dose each day. If you don't need that, you should not be using RC.

Originally Posted by Bugsy View Post
Anyone here use Instant Ocean Reef Crystals?

I had equal amounts of the Instant Ocean and Instant Ocean Reef Crystals and mixed them. When I do a water change my corals really pout.

When I used just the Instant Ocean normal never had this. Anyone else have this issue with the reef crystals?
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