I'm going to try this method to battle some algae, so ...
The bottle reads;
Add 1mL (1/4 tsp ) per gallon of aquarium capacity each day to bring the level to between 1250 and 1350 ppm.
This will raise the level by 18.3 ppm per day.
I want to raise my Mg by 100 ppm per day until I reach 1600 ppm
I have a 110g system ( total ) so ...
1 mL * 110g * ( 100 ppm / 18.3 ppm per mL = 5.46 ) = 600 mL
The bottle is telling me to add 600 mL to raise the Mg in my system by 100 ppm
Do you all agree with this ?
Seems like a lot of liquid ...
Plus, that's 1/3 of a $20 bottle
Or am I missing something so basic that I should bash my head against a brick wall for missing it