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Old 07-17-2012, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by naesco View Post
Often ich lies dormant. The fish seem to be able to deal with a very minor problem themselves if they are healthy.

Tangs are ich magnets. The stress of being placed in a noisy environment IMO will cause the OP an ich outbreak. In addition the size of the sump is far too small for a tang which will add to the stress.

As you have experienced with your own achilles, achilles are really iffy tangs. IMO it will be the first to succumb to ich.

I do not believe that anyone on this board would support placing a tang in a sump.

Thank you
Putting a blue eyed kole tang in a sump won't give the Achilles tang ich. Not removing it will.

No a sump is not ideal for a tang. But its an ok 2-3 day solution.
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