Originally Posted by Casey8
If you order the nano overflow box / slimline design, make sure you get the black color as they advertise. I got the clear plastic one and when I asked why, I got a response from Jeff (the owner) "no matter black or clear, it will eventually cover with algae anyway"  I didn't want to argue about it at that time, but I know the box should come as he has advertised. Also, I paid an extra $19 for the silencer and $10 for an extra U tube as he insisted, but I actually never needed them. The silencer, have it or not, it doesn't make very much difference with the noise. I had to pay $30 for the shipping as well, which cost a little too much for just an overflow box.
Anyway, I am happy with the quality of this overflow box. But if I had known there was the Eshopp box around that has the same design like Lifereef, I would have saved more than half of the money by not buying this overpriced overflow box from him.
I also had a bad experience purchasing my overflow from Jeff. I can't recommend dealing with him. In hindsight, I should have bought Eshopp's instead.
The silencer is garbage. I ended up just making a hofer gurgle buster myself, which worked 10x better and it didn't cost $20.