I recomend the lotto!
I must say that I have seen the donation button sitting there and taunting me, as I have now played this game for hours and am loving it!
I though I should toss a few $$ there way for making my day.
To my surprize I see that there is a lotto option, spend $3 EU and you can get free stuff, shirts, mugs, (yippi) but you can also get A$ and Supply units!! So I tossed in my cash (works out to just under $5 CDN) and blamo I have 933 A$ Wow what a return.
If any of you do this I would like to hear what you got, just wondering if I did really well or not. My boss (that I have gotten addicted to this game) did it too and he only got 320 A$
Well I am only 21 hours away from getting Cruzers and then a large attack will be sent!