WTF!!!!!! So I know what happened to my cleaner... I just walked into my room to find my two clarkii clowns DEVOURING my fire shrimp!!!!
I thought clarkiis were only aggressive towards other fish? I've need heard of them being aggressive towards shrimp let alone fully EATING THEM!? My entire fire shrimps tail is eaten off I have him in a bag floating in the tank. I don't have a spare or quarantine tank so I'm going out right now to buy a breeding trap to put him in for now and see if he lives, I doubt it and don't think they're capable of regeneration but maybe his tail might heal over. Idk...
So sad I'm still shocked that my clowns were behind it. I'm rehoming the clowns no question because I plan to put coral and other fish in my tank and god only knows what they'll develop appetites for then...
I never suspected it to be my clowns because they've been in the tank with the shrimp for 2 months now but I just realized the cleaner was eaten right after he molted (so he was soft and vulnerable). My fire shrimp molted yesterday so they went after him right away. Damn I'm ****ed!!! My poor shrimp I've had them for almost a year! Friggin clowns come into the picture 2 months ago and this probably explains my missing blue chromis too I havent seen him in about a month either.
anyone else ever hear of this happening with clarkiis? This is just my luck.