Have had the guy for MONTHS... This is only a 55gallon tank, Saw him yesterday morning happy as can be eating like a champ as always, all of a sudden today hes just GONE? He molted on monday and he was definitely still alive in the tank when we pulled his shedded skin out.... Where on earth is he? Just fed everyone and he was no where to be seen this is very unusual
Other Livestock in the tank:
2 Clarkii clowns
1 Fire shrimp
1 Blue Chromis
1 Yellow Watchmen Goby
1 Arrow Crab
Various hermit crabs 1 emerald crab, snails.
1 Pipe organ, 1 Birdsnest and 1 Digitata coral.
There are no anemones in here for him to get sucked into and disappear either.... I have no suspicions/theories as to what could have caused him to vanish.
Where is he

I loved him he was so entertaining and loved to clean my hand when I was messing around in the tank

Do they just randomly disappear at times like this?
We searched all over the floor around the tank thinking he could have gotten out, he didn't get sucked in the skimmer, not hiding behind the heater or power heads or filter.... Very very very odd and sad
Edit: Sorry just realized I should have posted this under Marine Fish