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Old 07-09-2012, 09:09 PM
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corpusse corpusse is offline
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Location: Mississauga
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corpusse is on a distinguished road

Filter sock did work

I have added 6 spotted garden eels and one splendid. So far I have seen 5 of them eat a mixture of frozen and live brine shrimp. Will be adding cyclopeeze to their diet. Existing powerheads seems to be doing a good job of covering most of the tank so everyone has a chance to grab food. I am still deciding between Vortechs and Tunze wavebox. In the mean time I have a few tunze powerheads lying around I will probably swap out the korilias for now. I would have got a few more splendid but this was what was in stock.

It was amazing how fast they buried into the sand when introduced to the tank. Of course a few are still on the shallow side but I don't think it will be long before they realize how much better the other side is.

water is nicely cleared, skimmer should be skimming actual skimmate not sand dust. Using 100mm lens so I couldn't quite fit the full tank in.

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