Originally Posted by Leah
So glad I don't get those...do the tank, do the tank, do the tank it will make you feel better. 
i use to not get them but since i only drink now once in a blue moon it hits me hard lol:P
funny ive had all the stuff to do my cube for a month now, heres the kicker...new tank needs to go where the frag tank currently is....fragtank and the 90g need to go in the spare bedroom and the new cube gets plumbed into both of them.....ughhh alot of tearing down and plumbing lol wouldnt be so bad but the fragtank has about 100frags and a lionfish and the 90 is a full reef with fish. that said i do have some progress being made.....im doing a bonzai tree so my rock sculpture is made with pvc its all one piece, "sandbed" is made and lights are bought,equipment half cleaned lol
its the actual plunge thats got me lol once i start i have to finish..:P
anyone want to do it for a dozen frags lol??????