Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 07-08-2012, 12:20 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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I was going to post pics of the new cleaners, but there's no point as we've all seen them before, and they aren't zoomin' 'round, as I hoped they would

Lookin' for a way to exfoliate your fingerprints whilst getting to know every nook and cranny of your LR ?
Spend hours plucking algae by hand

In all fairness to our algae-eating dudes, there's just too much for them to keep up with, and some are not touching the longer stuff at all
The Hare is going over most of the lower half of the tank, but it's not doing much other than cleaning off already cleaned areas
The Urchins are acting like the Mail Carrier and constantly treading the same patches
And the Turbos are pretty much the same as the Urchins, except they hardly move around at all up 'till now
This is one of the Urchin's paths, with the Hare coming along behind to grab the leftover easy stuff;

So I'm trying to give them a hand and today I spent a few hours plucking it and dipping my fingers in a cup of RO to rinse it off

This is an example of how unfair a Boss I've been

After picking;

After brushing and blasting with the baster;

I'm going to try this approach for awhile, instead of the brush cut and water change route
Lots of sock changes and blasting rocks with the turkey baster for awhile after will probably spread it around again, but it can't keep growing forever as I'm not feeding the tank
I realise some of the algae will get past the socks, but we'll see how it goes
I've also turned off half the T5s and backed off the hours of the remaining ones. I hope the SPS aren't to peeved about this ...

I'm off to buy more socks
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