Thread: A new pet
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Old 04-05-2004, 01:31 PM
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Jason McK Jason McK is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Ladner,BC
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Jason McK is on a distinguished road

Beautiful Bird. The Males are all green with orange bills correct?

Our Quaker never stops amazing us.
It's about 11 months old and is the funniest thing you can imagine.
If your not in the same room as it it will say" What are you doing?"
Yesterday I was getting ready to bring him outside (he hasn't been outside much) And I guess he doesn't like it because when I can close to get him. He ran away saying "No outside" Too Funny.
Anyway he didn't go outside.

There are a ton of places on-line for info. No real good forums though.

My biggest advise for a new bird owner is spend the bucks on a really good quality cage (more than a 180G tank) ouch

I'm sure you've done all the research already but if you need any advise let me know and I'll get my wife

My old Tank Shut down Jan 2011
New 220G build about to start
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